My mom quilts a lot – my parent's home has the best collection of cozy, colorful quilts. Some that are color-coordinated, some that are "scrappy" and fun, all wonderful to cozy up with. I've made one quilt by myself, back when we lived in Austin,...
Ever since I knit my Lodge sweater back in 2021, I have hoped that on some future day, I would have the opportunity to work with Cestari Traditional 2-ply yarn again. It's soft, but wooly, and it makes the most beautiful cohesive fabric. I've showed...
I have a (large) handful of things I am really enjoying lately. "Bright spots," as I like to call them, and sometimes I'll text a list of these to a few close friends. In that same spirit, I figured I'd share the little bits of life that make me...
Every year, I sit down and sift through my plans for knitting, sewing, crochet, etc. for the year. Although I certainly allow for spontaneous projects, I do love having a general list of ideas (pairings of materials + patterns) to refer to, should...
I know we're quickly approaching mid-February, and so I may be a little late to the party in writing about a frame of mind for the new year. I have finally had time to mull it over and time to actually put it into words and type it out. That said,...