3 min read

A family visit and grieving together

A few weeks ago, my family drove down from Minnesota. We were overdue for a visit together, but they also traveled down with the aim of us attending a family friend's funeral in Ohio together.

My parents and brother arrived Wednesday evening, and we had a meal I often make for the first night of their visit – chicken tacos in the crockpot. Easy to prep, flexible with timing, and everyone can customize their tacos with rice, avocado, cheese, etc and their choice of tortilla. We spent that evening just in conversation together, which was really nice. And my family gave me some very special early birthday presents! My parents gave me a necklace that had been my Grandma Donna's, as well as some sentimental and sweet porcelain items. And the big surprise was that my mom sewed a scrappy quilt for me! It's beautiful, but also so nostalgic, as I immediately recognized so many of the fabrics from vintage items my mom had, previous projects, and the like. It's seen daily use ever since I opened it.

On Thursday, Nicholas had to work, but the rest of us spent a relaxed day at home with breakfast and coffee in the morning. Cooper and my mom did a bunch of crafts together (thanks for bringing those, mom!), books were read, and lots of legos were assembled. My mom and I even had to chance to sit down together so I could show her the basics of crochet! Sitting together under the new quilt, of course. In the late afternoon, I boiled and baked sourdough bagels and worked on some dinner (chicken wild rice soup, and sourdough pulled from the freezer), while my family took the boys on a meandering walk, post-rain. And that night brought an earlier bedtime, in anticipation of the next day's events.

While Nicholas stayed home with the little boys, my parents, brother Matt, and I woke up before six and quickly got dressed and ready to begin the drive to Ohio for the funeral service in the early afternoon. The service was for a member of a family who, even though we aren't actually related, have certainly felt like family my entire life. It meant so much to me to be able to to mourn and pray and remember and reminisce together, as a "family." And then, we drove back home to Nicholas and the little boys.

It was such a sweet day attending the services and reception, but it was also special to have the uninterrupted opportunity for conversation with my family during the 9ish hours of time in the car. I'm thankful we could attend the funeral with all four of us together and for that quality time with just us four, as well.

I'm thankful for family, and friends-like-family, for a loving dad spending a full day at home with the little boys, and for the unrelenting and eternal hope we have in Christ.


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