5 min read

Bright, a word for 2025

I know we're quickly approaching mid-February, and so I may be a little late to the party in writing about a frame of mind for the new year. I have finally had time to mull it over and time to actually put it into words and type it out. That said, I keep writing on the blog (even though blogs might feel very 2010!) because I enjoy documenting our life and my thoughts and what I'm learning–all at a slower pace. So it would be fitting to post a very belated post about my thoughts on a new calendar year, yes?

I found the word bright appealing for many reasons, one of which being my desire for more fresh air and sunshine this year. On New Year's Eve, I introduced Nicholas to the concept of 1000 hours outside. We have some close friends who have done the challenge for the previous three years, and I wanted to be more intentional about prioritizing time outside as a family this year. Nicholas loved the idea and suggested we try it, and since he was home on parental leave for most of January, we were able to gain some traction with a new habit. So far, we are already noticing that the boys are a bit more autonomous in getting ready to go outside (especially Cooper), they are initiating outdoor play much more, playing better together outside, and staying outside longer than anticipated, even in quite cold temperatures.

I also want to be a source of joy and encouragement– brightness–in my home. Mama's mood sets the tone for the day! So if that means switching on worship music, or stepping into the next room to breathe and pray for a minute, or making sure I am nourishing my body so I have a more stable mood (via more stable blood sugar), then count me in.

The same day I settled on "bright" as my word, I read Matthew 15 in my Bible Recap for the day (I'm behind a bit). But it was very fitting:

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 15:16 ESV

And that's it! I do want my actions and mood to give glory to God and His saving (daily!) grace in my life – the brightness in me only a reflection from the true Source of light.

Nicholas has been back at work for about two weeks now, so I wanted to share a bit about our time together at home, as a family of five.

We had quite a bit of snow in early January! Followed shortly by some bitter cold temperatures. Nicholas split some more wood with a captive audience, and we had fires in the wood stove. All of our have our go-to layers, including outerwear, for extra cold temperatures. Usually, at least 4 out of the 5 of us are wearing handknit hats and cowls. And we have everything sorted in baskets, so the boys can help put things away. I should mention that these Reima mittens are the best for kids. Easy to put on, they stay on, and they're waterproof and warm. I cannot understate how happy we've been with them! And I've been enjoying wearing some merino wool long underwear that Nicholas gave to me for Christmas. It still takes a lot of time to get everyone dressed, but the process is getting a bit more streamlined, with practice.

We've gone on family walks, and the big boys have spent hours playing in various snow banks in our neighborhood. Finn learned how to make snow angels. And the boys have gone sledding in our yard quite a lot (there are a few places with gentle slopes). Nicholas made breakfast, prepared food for the boys, and made risotto for dinner several times. And he spent so much time wrangling the big boys so I could rest/snuggle/feed/tend to Arlo.

We have enjoyed getting back into a bit more of a routine with resuming homeschool, going back to church on Sundays, baking some sourdough goods and preparing meals more regularly, and seeing friends more often again, although leaving the house with all three boys by myself is still very new.

Praying for brightness in my days, as well as yours, however "ordinary" they may be, (mine are!) What joy and sweetness there can be found in the everyday when we have eyes to see it.


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