5 min read

Cooper is five!

A few weeks ago, we celebrated our biggest little boy – he's five years old now! I know everyone talks about how quickly time passes, but I truly feel it with each passing birthday of our kids.

Since his birthday was on a Wednesday, we started celebrations a little early, the weekend before. We visited a local business that offers mini golf, go karts, a mini roller coaster, and an arcade – and we kept it a surprise from him. We met my father-in-law, sister-in-law Katelyn, and Katelyn's boyfriend, Devin, there as well, and Cooper kept saying, "This is such a fun party!"

Cooper had a blast. Originally hesitant about the roller coaster and go karts, he thoroughly enjoyed both with his dad. And we all played mini golf together (even Finn "played," or at least he carried around a mini club and golf ball). We paused for lunch, played some arcade games while Finn took a nap on his grandpa, and then we wrapped up the outing with go karts. Finn and I watched as everyone else raced.

We all went back to our house for the adults to have coffee and for everyone to have sourdough cardamom knots (Cooper's birthday treat of choice, this year), and for Cooper to open some of his gifts from extended family.

It was such a fun day!

And then on Cooper's actual birthday, we went to his swim lessons, and then he specifically asked to visit a park that is right down the street from our first house. The boys played on the playground for a bit and then spent a significant amount of time in their beloved "treehouses."

We headed home for lunch with daddy, and then he got to open his gifts from us which were a new camping chair for him (a bit bigger, since he's growing), and a remote controlled car. He was excited about both, but the car was obviously the most exciting. ;) Cooper and Nicholas drove it around the yard, and Cooper learned how to use the controller surprisingly quickly.

When Nicholas was done with work for the day, we drove to our local arboretum to look at the train exhibit and to go on a hike, per the birthday boy's requests. It was a very hot afternoon, but the trails brought welcome shade and the boys loved both the trains and the hike.

And then we headed home for steak on the grill, and opening gifts from his Minnesota grandma and grandpa, including a Lego set he had to put together immediately.

It was a special day celebrating our special boy!

At five, Cooper:

  • Is curious about how all things work: car engines and the swimsuit dryer in the pool locker room, and just about anything else.
  • loves catching and holding toads and (some) bugs. Yesterday, he held three tiny toads in his hands and just beamed at me.
  • spontaneously asks to help with household tasks like "scrubbing the floor" (yes, literally), or folding laundry, or helping with dishes.
  • enjoys videos learning about animals or home renovation or home construction
  • hums the theme song from My Neighbor Totoro countless times throughout the day
  • loves coloring, writing letters, reading The Storybook Bible with dad, and playing Legos and magnetic tiles, and cuddles with mom and dad.
  • plays a lot with Finn. They're games of choice are chasing each other around the house, hiding from "bad guys," or an elaborate travel setup where they go camping, or they fly on an airplane to Texas or Acadia National Park (always those two places).
  • is learning how to swim! He accomplished so much during lessons, got more comfortable in the water, and he even jumped off the diving board.
  • Feels emotions strongly and loves fiercely. He gives the best running start morning hugs.
  • Asked to take the training wheels off his bike, and he's been doing so well without them. He can go "rocket fast" on his bike now (his phrasing).

We love our bright, funny, clever, loving boy. We are so proud of you, Cooper and we love seeing you grow up. We thank God for you, and that you're a special part of our family. We love you so much!


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