3 min read

A whirlwind day trip and a concert

I mentioned it briefly in my last post, but several days ago, I took a (long) day trip down to the Indianapolis area for a concert with my sister-in-law, Katelyn.

We bought the tickets back in March, I think. Katelyn and I have a mutual love for Noah Kahan's music (his name shows up in my "music" section of my year-in-review posts from the last several years), so when she mentioned the concert and how it would be fun for us to attend together, Nicholas and I decided we would make it work.

Finn is still very mom-centric, so we planned for me to head down towards Indy during his nap, and then drive back home after the concert.

I got on the road around 12pm, with a packed lunch and a Noah Kahan playlist queued. When I arrived, I got to see Katelyn and her roommate, Sarah, and their adorable house. And then we headed to Shake Shack for burgers, fries, and milkshakes, because it just sounded delicious, and it was fast! We ate our food on her back tailgate, since that's customary at this venue.

The weather was absolutely beautiful, and we managed to find great seats on the lawn. By the time Noah Kahan came on, the sun had set, and it had cooled off to a beautiful temperature in the sixties.

The concert was so fun! The crowd was very engaged and friendly and knew all of his songs. He was a very good live performer, and I loved hearing his songs in person. Honestly, it was one of the most fun concerts I've ever attended.

We headed to Katelyn's car during the last song, and I managed to get home around 12:45am (thanks to an iced latte I drank at the concert venue)! I definitely needed a day to recover from the lengthy day, but oh, it was so worth it. And the little boys did great with their dad. For the record, Finn hardly seemed to notice I was gone. ;)

I so enjoyed having uninterrupted time to spend and catch up with my sister-in-law, and the chance to hear live music from an artist I really enjoy. It felt like the perfect, unofficial "kickoff" to summer.


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