3 min read

Living well in the busyness

I work tonight (my last night of three in a row!) and then I have a few days off to collect myself, sleep, and spend time with people other than my coworkers (for the record, I have fantastic coworkers! :) My schedule has its pros and cons, as I'm well-aware, but I want to focus on living well all the time, regardless of my work schedule.

This is what I've been doing lately:

Eating our finished batch of sauerkraut with scrambled eggs, yum!

Breakfast tacos all the time (toasted corn tacos + scrambled eggs + avocado + sharp cheddar cheese + tomatoes + taco sauce)

Watching Gilmore Girls—does anyone else have a love/hate relationship with this show? Sometimes the dialogue just kills me, but I can't stop watching. I must be going through a phase, because I've been in the mood for everything early- to mid-2000's.

Reading Sense and Sensibility. Austen's writing makes me laugh out loud.

Listening to the new Punch Brothers Album The Phosphorescent Blues and Sufjan Stevens circa 2000 (the album, A Sun Came, specifically tracks 1, 2, 6, 7, 14, 16, and 21) so good—and not just for the sake of nostalgia

Ordering yarn and swatching* for my first sweater knit-along! It's the Lila Sweater, and I couldn't be more excited! I'll be knitting it in light grey, 'cause I can't deny the wearability of neutrals.

Relying heavily on our meal plan to carry me through stretches of night-shifts. Planned meals mean less struggling to find something nutritious to eat.

Wearing sandals. Currently, it's seventy-nine degrees outside. Nicholas just left to go disc golfing with some friends and he walked out the door in shorts, sandals, and a tank top.

Making plans for my days off. Having some fun events/activities/gatherings to look forward to makes time off that much sweeter

Living in my pajamas between shifts. Call it a uniform, if you must ;)

Reading a section of John Piper's new book, A Godward Heart with Nicholas every day over supper or breakfast, depending on when we see each other (thank you Grandma Donna for such a thoughtful gift!) I loved this excerpt:

The heavens are telling the glory of God. So we can seek him through that. He reveals himself in his Word. So we can seek him through that. He shows himself in the evidences of grace in other people. So we can seek him through that. The seeking is the conscious effort to get through the natural means to God himself—to constantly set our minds toward God in all experiences, to direct our minds and hearts toward him through the means of his revelation. This is what seeking God means.

May this list serve as a reminder to me (on both well-rested and fatigued days) that I have so much in this life. Even if I had none of these things,

my joy does not come from my circumstances because my joy comes from Jesus.

What little blessings do you see in the balance of life/work/stress/joy?

*for any non-knittters, this means knitting a small "planning" square to determine if you're stitch tension is suitable for the pattern


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