3 min read

Our family is growing again!

It feels like the right time to share some big news for our family: we are expecting another baby this winter! After a history of multiple losses and long, difficult seasons of waiting, I will admit that this news does sometimes feel bittersweet to share. Sweet, in that it is the best news: new life, and another little soul in our family. And simultaneously, it feels hard, having myself been the recipient of so many pregnancy announcements in the past when I felt a myriad of emotions, among them, longing and joy.

All that to say, I yet again remind myself that I can feel more than one emotion at once. And news that feels precious and scary at first, shared with only close family and friends – can later be shared with joy and openness. Because it is a joy to share this with everyone. We are so excited to meet this little one sometime in December.

Cooper and Finn are very excited about the baby, eager to give my growing belly kisses, and Cooper has even felt the baby kick a few times. We opted to not find out the baby's gender this time, so we have that as a surprise to look forward to.

As I am firmly in second trimester, with the many weeks of nausea and fatigue mostly behind me, I can share a bit more about the previous months, and write more candidly about all the little details of our life. I'll also share a few more pictures of myself, now that we've shared our news.

A few little details to share about the pregnancy so far:

  • Cravings this pregnancy: egg salad (usually late at night), whole raw milk, bagel sandwiches, burgers, and nectarines.
  • My belly grew significantly larger, faster this time (ahem, likely due to me needing to do some core strengthening), so I "showed" far earlier than any other pregnancy.
  • I just passed the 20 week mark
  • I already have dreams and plans to decorate for Christmas relatively early, in anticipation of whenever this baby decides to join us in our arms.
  • I've been wearing a lot of skirts, dresses, and overalls so far. I am looking forward to cooler weather and more cozy layers in the coming months.

Thank you, Lord, for this little life! Give us even more faith in Your goodness and provision as this baby grows. We are so excited for December and the opportunity to meet the person you are knitting together.

Nicholas took these photos today, of me and my almost-21-week baby belly :)


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